Answered Prayer #485 – Wegener’s Disease

Prayer Request:  Jeremy Barns – 33 Year Old Father  (Wegener’s Disease)

Prayers Received:  335


  • A young father immediately was diagnosed with Wegener’s Disease and was unresponsive in intensive care at the hospital.
  • Artificial lungs were breathing for him, his heart rate was in the lower 20’s, and they found blood clots in his lungs.
  • Prayer was posted on Precarii, 335 prayers and 50 written comments poured in from all over the world.
  • What started with a simple health turn-around where he was stable, and he started to respond by moving his toes, turned into him going home two weeks later.
  • Two of his nurses called this a “miracle.”  One said, “In my 30 years of experience, I have never seen a patient turn around like this. I didn’t think he would make it.  Truly, this was a miracle!”
  • After discharged, his doctors were shocked when he didn’t even need dialysis and his kidneys had no damage.
  • Now, he was been given a clean bill of health.

In his Mothers’s own words:  “Just so happy to have him here, thank you all for your prayers!”

Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to His People on Earth!