Answered Prayer #301 – Triple Bypass

Precarii Prayer Request:  Felix’s Triple Bypass at 9AM / Father in Law, Felix  Surgery schedule for Monday, June 20th

Prayers Received:  406


  • After a typical quadruple bypass (originally it was going to be a triple bypass, turned out to be a quadruple) a patient stays in the hospital for five days.
  • He responded SO well that the doctor and nurses were shocked and amazed.
  • The proof came when on the second day, the doctor said “you might be able to go home tomorrow.”  I told my wife, “let’s not push it, keep him in another day or two.” 
  • The next day (day 3) the doctor visited and said, “you have improved so fast, and are so strong, you should go home and sleep in your bed.” 
  • We couldn’t believe it!  Three days after having this major surgery, he was going home. 

This is because of your prayers! Thank you! My God Bless all Precarii Users that believe in the power of prayer!!!!

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